Beyond Distracted: How ADHD Can Affect Your Partner and Your Relationship

People who struggle with ADHD have a difficult time paying attention for long periods of time, are distracted, show a lack of interest, and have a hard time focusing and prioritizing often leading to missing deadlines and forgetting important meetings or social plans.

It’s common for adults who have ADHD to be described as lazy, unmotivated, or irresponsible but that isn’t necessarily true.

People with ADHD have difficulty focusing on school work, habitually forget appointments, easily lose track of time and struggle with executive functions. This is a frustrating experience for both the person with ADHD and their partner.

It can and often does significantly impact the relationship in negative ways especially if symptoms of ADHD go undiagnosed and untreated.

Symptoms of ADHD:

  • The inattention symptoms of ADHD may include difficulty paying attention, forgetfulness, being easily distracted, and having trouble organizing tasks or activities.

  • The hyperactivity symptoms may include restlessness, fidgeting, and difficulty sitting still.

  • The impulsivity symptoms may include interrupting others, speaking out of turn, and engaging in risky behavior without considering the consequences.

Although the exact cause of ADHD is not clear, factors that may be involved in the development of ADHD are:

  • Genetics. It can run in families and studies indicate that genes may also play a role.

  • Environment. Certain environmental factors such as lead exposure as a child.

  • Problems during development. Problems that occur with the central nervous system at key developmental moments may play a role.

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10 Ways ADHD Affects Relationships:

  1. Communication Issues

    Individuals with ADHD often experience challenges with communication, including difficulty listening, staying focused, and following through on tasks. These challenges can lead to misunderstandings and frustration in relationships, where communication is critical.

    It is difficult for them to stay focused during conversations. They become easily distracted or lose focus during a conversation, leading to misunderstandings and confusion.

  2. Forgetfulness

    A common issue that arises in relationships involving someone with ADHD is forgetfulness. They may forget to do tasks they promised to do, or fail to follow through on commitments, which can lead to frustration and resentment from their partner.

    This causes extra stress in the relationship as the partner may feel they have to stay on top of all the things that have to get done. They may miss important details or mindlessly agree to something you don't remember later, which can be frustrating to your loved one.

  3. Impulsivity

    Impulsivity is a common symptom of ADHD and can have a significant impact on the relationship. They may struggle with making quick decisions without fully considering the consequences, which can lead to conflict in their relationships.

    For example, their impulsivity can lead to impulsive spending, which can cause financial strain on the relationship. They might make a purchase without first consulting with their partner or considering the long-term consequences such as going into debt or being unable to pay household bills.

  4. Difficulty with planning and organization

    Planning and organization is a common symptom of ADHD that can impact the relationship. They may struggle to keep up with the demands of a relationship due to difficulty staying on task and following through on commitments which can lead to more frustration and resentment.

    The partner may feel that they are not making a sufficient effort to contribute to the relationship around planning and organizing.

    For example, the person with ADHD may forget important dates or events, or not complete tasks they promised to do.

  5. Emotional regulation

    Emotional regulation is an area of difficulty for many individuals with ADHD because they may struggle with managing their emotions, experiencing intense feelings or reacting strongly to situations.

    This can be challenging for their partner to manage and can lead to conflict and misunderstandings.

    For example, they may become easily frustrated or irritable, leading to arguments or tension in the relationship. They may also have difficulty controlling their impulses, leading to impulsive or reckless behavior that can be harmful to themselves or others.

  6. Time management

    Time management is a common challenge for individuals with ADHD because they may struggle with planning and prioritizing their time, leading to tardiness, missed deadlines, and difficulty keeping up with the demands of daily life.

    For example, the individual with ADHD may be consistently late for important events or forget to complete tasks they promised to do, leading to feelings of disappointment and resentment from their partner.

    This causes stress in relationships, as their partner may feel frustrated or resentful of their inability to manage their time effectively.

  7. Hyperfocus

    People may experience periods of hyperfocus, becoming completely absorbed in a task or activity to the exclusion of everything else, including their partner's needs. This is often challenging for their partner who feels neglected or ignored during these periods of intense focus.

    For example, the individual with ADHD may become so engrossed in a project or hobby that they forget to take care of important responsibilities or fail to spend quality time with their partner.

  8. Difficulty with Intimacy

    People with ADHD struggle with intimacy, which can impact the relationship in several ways. They have difficulty being present and fully engaged, have difficulty focusing their attention in their partner, often struggle with regulating their emotions, which prevents them connecting with their partner on a deeper, emotional level.

    And because they struggle with communication, they may have a hard time expressing their needs and feelings to their partner. Finally, if they have difficulty controlling their impulses, they may engage in risky behaviors.

  9. Social Challenges

    Individuals with ADHD struggle with social skills, such as reading social cues, maintaining eye contact, or engage in conversations. This can make it difficult to navigate social situations, including those involving their partner.

    They may struggle to interpret nonverbal cues, such as body language or tone of voice, which can impact their ability to communicate effectively with their partner and understand their partner's emotions.

    They also have a tendency to interrupt, talk excessively, or taking turns in conversations. If they are impulsive, they don’t always make appropriate social decisions.

  10. Divorce or Relationship Breakdown

    Individuals with ADHD are at a higher risk for divorce or relationship breakdown, especially if their symptoms are not effectively managed.

    This is predominately due to symptoms such as: communication issues, impulsivity, emotional regulation difficulties, and social challenges, which can and often does create significant stress in relationships and make it difficult for both partners to feel understood and supported.

ADHD Checklist

  • How often do you depend on others to keep your life in order and attend to details?

  • How often do you leave your seat in meetings or other situations in which you are expected to remain seated?

  • Do you tend to delay or avoid getting started on a an important and/or new project?

  • How often do you put things off until the last minute?

  • Do you find that most of the tasks you need to complete (with work or school) are boring and thus making them difficult to complete?

  • Do you make careless mistakes when engaged in something (project, assignment, task at home) that you feel is boring, repetitive, or difficult?

  • Do you often feel fidgety or restless?

  • Do you find that you forget important dates, appointments, or obligations?

  • How often do you have difficulty unwinding and relaxing when you have time to yourself?

  • Is it difficult for you to focus and concentrate on conversations with people who are directly speaking to you?

  • Do you misplace things often or have difficulty finding them?

  • When you’re in a conversation, how often do you find yourself finishing the sentence of the people you are talking to before they can finish it themselves?

How Individuals and Couples Can Deal With ADHD Challenges

There are several steps that couples can take to address one (or both) partner’s ADHD to create a healthier relationship and prevent further frustration and resentment.

1. Improve communication

It is important for individuals with ADHD to work on strategies for staying focused and attentive during conversations. This may involve taking breaks when they feel overwhelmed, practicing active listening skills, and using techniques like repeating back what was said to ensure understanding.

Couples need to establish clear expectations and communication strategies, such as setting reminders or using visual aids to keep track of tasks and commitments.

2. Decrease impulsivity

The person with ADHD should develop strategies for managing impulsive behaviors. This may include practicing mindfulness techniques to increase self-awareness and impulse control or use Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) to challenge automatic thoughts and behaviors.

Couples need to establish clear boundaries and expectations around financial decision-making and other areas where impulsivity may cause conflict. For example, this may involve setting up a system for joint decision-making to improve accountability. Sometimes involving a financial advisor who provides guidance and support is also beneficial.

3. Improve planning and organizing

For the person with ADHD, developing strategies for managing their symptoms and improving their ability to plan and organize their time is crucial. This may involve breaking tasks down into smaller, more manageable steps or using reminders and visual aids to help stay on track.

It’s important that both partners work together to establish clear expectations and communication strategies. For example, many couples set up a system for tracking important dates and deadlines and dividing household tasks according to each partner's strengths and abilities.

4. Improve emotional regulation

It’s important for a person with ADHD to develop healthy strategies to manage their emotions and reduce impulsive behaviors. This may involve mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, to help regulate emotional arousal and increase self-awareness.

Couples can work together to establish clear communication and boundaries around emotional regulation. For example, developing strategies for de-escalating conflicts or taking breaks when emotions become overwhelming like agreeing to take a ‘time out.’

Setting up a system for tracking emotions and monitoring progress for the person with ADHD can also be helpful.

5. Manage being hyperfocused

For the individual with ADHD, developing strategies for managing their hyperfocus and balancing their responsibilities with their interests and hobbies is important. This may involve setting clear boundaries around their time and prioritizing their tasks and responsibilities to ensure they are meeting their commitments and spending quality time with their partner.

For the partner being patient and understanding goes a long way. But, its equally important for the partner to be able to openly and honestly communicate their needs and expectations.

6. Create greater intimacy

For the person with ADHD, it is important to develop strategies for managing symptoms so they can improve their ability to connect with their partner.

Couples can work on communicating their needs and expectations together during less stressful times to improve intimacy. Taking the steps and practicing open and honest communication about challenges that arise, will help couples connect in a deeper way. It’s important for partners to be patient and understanding of their partner's difficulties with intimacy.

Final Thoughts on ADHD in Relationships

It's important to note that everyone's experience with ADHD is unique, and not everyone with ADHD will experience all of these issues in relationships.

However, for those who do, seeking professional help, such as therapy or coaching, can be helpful in learning coping strategies and improving communication and relationship skills.

Working with a mental health professional can help individuals with ADHD address underlying emotional issues, communication challenges, and intimacy issues by providing the necessary skills and strategies to effectively manage their ADHD symptoms, stay motivated and on track, improve focus, and build a stronger relationship in a safe and supportive environment.

With support and practice, individuals with ADHD can develop the skills they need to manage their emotions and build stronger, healthier relationships.


Are you struggling with ADHD? Is it impacting your relationship? Let’s chat! Hit the button below to get started!

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